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Navigation: Documentation / Commands / trajectory-client

trajectory-client: version 2.231.418d045(2020-03-01 18:49) [CATs - Conversion And Analysis Tools]




trajectory-client [OPTIONS] [--] trj://server[:port]/command


This program interacts with a trajectory server.


specifies fully qualified administration request. The trasport protocol trj:// has to be always specified. It is followed by a server parameter, which could be either DNS name or IP address of server. Optional port parameter is port number used in a communication. Finally, the command is a task, which can be one of the following:
register = register client on server side
unregister = unregister client on server side (unregister?id=client_id)
getcrd = get coordinate snapshot (getcrd?id=client_id,,coords=file2.crd)
getvel = get velocities (getvel?id=client_id,,coords=file2.crd)
info = prints information about registered clients
shutdown = stops server execution
errors = prints errors from server stack


-s, --serverkey FILE
name of file containing server description (name, port, and password) (mutually exclusive with 'password' option)
-p, --password FILE
name of file containing server magic word, if not specified then password is read interactively
-v, --verbose
increase output verbosity
output version information and exit
-h, --help
display this help and exit