Navigation: Documentation / Commands / topmask

topmask: version 2.204.c62bd73(2018-07-04 10:11) [CATs - Conversion And Analysis Tools]




topmask [OPTIONS] [--] PARM MASK


Print the names of atoms or residues selected by the application of MASK. Current implementation fully supports ambmask syntax (see AMBER manual).


topology file name. If - is provided then topology is read from standard input stream.
mask specification


-c, --coords CRD
optional coordinates in AMBER coordinate format, coordinates are mandatory for masks containing distance operators (: @)
-f, --maskfile
read mask specification from the first line of the file of name MASK. This option is suitable for the specification of very long masks.
-r, --residues
perform selection on the level of residues. The mask specification cannot contains atom selectors (@ @ @%).
-o, --output FORMAT
specify output format. Default format 'cats' prints atoms or residues as the list sorted into three colums. Format 'list' prints the same information as 'cats' but only to a single colum without any header. Format 'number' prints only the number of selected atoms or residues. Format 'amber' provides the same output as ambmask. Format 'bmask' write bitmap mask.
(Default: cats)
-v, --verbose
increase output verbosity
output version information and exit
-h, --help
display this help and exit