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Navigation: Documentation / Commands / integrate
integrate: version 2.231.418d045(2020-03-01 18:49) [CATs - Conversion And Analysis Tools]
integrate [OPTIONS] [--] input output
Integrate numerically given data by Simpson method. Program reads three numbers from input file (x coordinate, derivative, and standard deviation of derivative). As output program prints copy of input data plus integrated values and its standard error.
input input data file or - for data taken from standard input
output output result file or - for result printed to standard output
--offset REAL specify integration constant (Default: 0)
-s, --skip LINES number of lines skipped from the beginning of input file (Default: 0)
-a, --anal LINES number of LINES from input file to be analyzed (Default: -1)
-p, --pad LINES number of padding LINES between used records from input file (Default: 0)
--nosigma standard deviation of derivative is not present in input data
--noheader do not print header to output
--fx FORMAT output FORMAT of echoed x values (Default: %15.7e)
--fy FORMAT output FORMAT of echoed derivative values (Default: %15.7e)
--fs FORMAT output FORMAT of echoed sigma values (Default: %14.6e)
--fi FORMAT output FORMAT of integrated values (Default: %15.7e)
--fe FORMAT output FORMAT of integrated error values (Default: %14.6e)
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
--version output version information and exit
-h, --help display this help and exit